Product Support Center

Product Support Center

  1. 📄 Service and Maintenance
    1. 📄 Drone
      1. 📄 Guidelines for Handling Abnormal Spraying Situations (2023 Model)
      2. 📄 XP 2020 Agriculture Drone Pre-Flight Inspection
      3. 📄 Drone Maintenance
    2. 📄 Batteries and Super Charger
      1. 📄 XAG GC4000+ Gas Generator Super Charger Troubleshooting Workflow
      2. 📄 What should I do if the temperature of the smart battery plug is too high?
      3. 📄 Smart Batteries Maintenance & Repair
      4. 📄 XAG B13960S Battery Maintenance
      5. 📄 B13960S Battery Exploded View
      6. 📄 Battery Maintenance
  2. 📄 Questions and Answers
    1. 📄 How to connect the drone to Internet?
    2. 📄 XAG Operation Training
    3. 📄 How to setup an operation and excute?
    4. 📄 Overview of P100 and P100 Pro
    5. 📄 How to use drones to map, digitize and spray your field?
    6. 📄 How to change owner of devices
    7. 📄 How to find my Remote ID
    8. 📄 How to upload log to XAG Cloud Server
    9. 📄 What network CORS RTK service shall I use in California?
    10. 📄 How to use ARC3 Pro to create field with VRTK
    11. 📄 Error Code 10901
    12. 📄 ARC3 Pro not able to bind with the Drone
    13. 📄 How to share the flight Operational Report
    14. 📄 Oppose the Countering CCP Drones Act Campaign
    15. 📄 How to create Prescription Map in XAG One
    16. 📄 How to Register Your XAG Device Technical Support
  3. 📄 XAG Maintenance and Repair Manual
    1. 📄 Chapter 1  Introduction to XAG Agricultural Drone
    2. 📄 Chapter 2  XAG Agricultural Drone System Module and Working Principle
    3. 📄 Chapter 3 Troubleshooting of Drone System
    4. 📄 Chapter 4 Agricultural Drone Aircraft Damage/Fault Isolation
    5. 📄 Chapter 5 Disassembly and Assembly of XAG Agricultural Drone
    6. 📄 Chapter 6 Maintenance of XAG Agricultural Drone
  4. 📄 Technical Specification
    1. 📄 XAG V50 2023
    2. 📄 P100 Pro 2023
  5. 📄 User Manual
    1. 📄 XAG P150 and P60 2024 and Systems
    2. 📄 XAG P100 Pro 2023 and Systems
    3. 📄 P100 2022 and Systems
    4. 📄 Batteries and Super Charger
      1. 📄 XAG CM27000 2022 Super Charger User Manual
    5. 📄 V40 and Systems
    6. 📄 RTK and Navigation Systems
    7. 📄 Communication Systems
  6. 📄 XAG Drone and Systems Technical Specification
    1. 📄 Chapter 1: UAV Components, Sections, and Systems
    2. 📄 Chapter 2: Communication Network and Infrastructure
    3. 📄 Chapter 3: Firmware Update or Change
    4. 📄 Chapter 4: 4G Networking Mode
    5. 📄 Chapter 5: Remote Controller Networking mode (RCN)
    6. 📄 Chapter 6: LNT Networking mode
    7. 📄 Chapter 7: Mission Preparation
    8. 📄 Chapter 8: Field Mapping
    9. 📄 Chapter 9: Flight Mission
    10. 📄 Chapter 10: Field Management System
    11. 📄 Chapter 11: Real Terra
    12. 📄 Chapter 12: Portable RTK station (XRTK4)
    13. 📄 Chapter 13: Power Supply
    14. 📄 Chapter 14: Troubleshooting
    15. 📄 Chapter 15: Service and Maintenance
    16. 📄 Chapter 16: Remote Debugging
    17. 📄 Chapter 17: System Failure
    18. 📄 Chapter 18: Appendix
  7. 📄 Training Courses
    1. 📄 2023 XAG Agriculture Drone Training Course
      1. 📄 Course 01: Pre-flight inspection
      2. 📄 Course 02: Land Mapping and Planning
      3. 📄 Course 03: Plant Protection Operations |Unmanned aircraft for spraying
      4. 📄 Course 04: Plant Protection Operations | Unmanned aircraft for seeding
      5. 📄 Course 05: Plant Protection Operation
      6. 📄 Course 06: Maintenance | Regular maintenance of agricultural unmanned aircraft to detect potential safety hazards in advance
      7. 📄 Course 07: Maintenance | The smart battery is maintained frequently, and the service life is effectively delayed
      8. 📄 Course 08: Maintenance | The fuel overcharging station is constantly maintained, and the power supply is guaranteed
      9. 📄 Course 09: Two-hand control | Introduction of the 2023 agricultural unmanned aircraft with dual hand control
      10. 📄 Course 10: Two-hand control | The 2023 agricultural unmanned aircraft is used with dual hand control
      11. 📄 Course 11:Smart Charging | 2023 model year charging equipment use
      12. 📄 Course 12: How to use RealTerra to get high-definition graphics
    2. 📄 P100 Pro Training
    3. 📄 R150 2020
    4. 📄 From mapping boundaries to operation
      1. 📄 Course 1: Use DJI Mavic 3 Multispectral to map the field
      2. 📄 Course 2: Use Pix4Dfield to draw boundaries and upload into XAG
      3. 📄 Course 3: Use the Mapped Field to Execute an Operation
  8. 📄 After-sale Support
    1. 📄 File a Support Ticket
    2. 📄 How to upload flight log to XAG Cloud